Honour Roll
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Memorial Print

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Stamford Township Police
Dennis J. Winstanley

Stamford Township Police
February 3rd, 1962
Age: 30
Years of Service: 4
Dennis J. Winstanley was married with 2 Children.

Constable Dennis J. Winstanley
Constable Winstanley, while on cruiser patrol, had stopped a vehicle on Garner Road in the City of Niagara Falls. While standing beside the cruiser interviewing the driver of the stopped vehicle he was hit by an impaired driver. The latter fled the scene but was apprehended later by alert fellow officers.
William Stanley Ingram was arrested, charged and convicted of the following offences: criminal negligence - 9 months; fail to remain - 3 months conc.; driving while impaired - 9 months concecutive.

Stamford Township Police
Honour Roll
Dennis J. Winstanley
The Memorial Pin

The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.